My favorite healing story is the one of the tribe that surrounds any member who is sick and asks, "What is left unsaid?" Then they sit, and listen. Sometimes it takes an hour for the sick person to tell what is up. Sometimes it takes several days. This is what a true tribe is. They are the people who will sit and listen us back to wellness. This tribe's rate of recovery is over 98%.
The secrets we have can kill us. No matter how we look on the outside, eventually what creates disease or wellness is the state of our inner. No amount of makeup or surgery, no fake plastered smile will compensate for angry sad feelings inside. So our exhausting focus on our outer form, especially for women, totally misses the point and the opportunity of being here.
My Final Act I get the picture I want: easy to leave, no regrets, all apologies made, all apologies accepted, love all around. Today is a good day to start. Love is all there is.