I wonder how people can do so much evil and think they are doing good. Or do they? Or do they even care?
This came up because of the suggestion on social media that McConnell be credited on his tombstone with ending our constitutional government through his interference and obstruction. Why would a person do that? And then I came up with an answer.
The people, mostly men, who are running our country at the moment are very much like little children. I would say four year olds, because they scream and yell and have to have their way. They have neither the wisdom or maturity or maybe even the native intelligence to look at a bigger picture. Instead of "what will this do for or to the country?" they are at the level of "what will this do for or to me?"
There's a pack of 'em, and i think they appeal to the four year old brat in many people, the ones who want to finally get their way, the ones who don't give a good fat damn what it means to anyone else. What a strange time we are in, and I hate to compare it to strange times that have come before, in other lands, when the intelligent and educated are reviled by the selfish and greedy, who just happen to be in charge.
I don't have an answer. I was just thinking.