The only time people seem to disagree is when we talk. I heard a story about a couple who couldn’t speak each other’s language and lived in bliss for several years. Then a visitor came who spoke both languages and translated for them. Soon they got a divorce!
While this might be a kind of a joke, truth is we often do harm with our words. The 4 gateways of speech are: is it true? Is it kind? Is it timely? Is it necessary? If we took the time before speaking to apply this check list, think of all the trouble we could avoid.
As a highly opinionated former New Yorker, it’s a challenge. The best use I have found for this voice God gave me is to sing. When I’m singing, I can’t argue with anything. If there has to be something other than silence, let it be music.
Sukoshi Rice has lived in Blairsville for over 30 years practicing various forms of natural wellness. The most recent is singing and playing music whenever and wherever she can. or [email protected]