In the early 90’s, I lived in San Diego for 3 years of clear blue skies and sunny days. For the first few weeks, and after that every time I took a walk on a beach, I was transported with wonder that I got to live in such a beautiful place. Nearly every day the sun shined, the sky was blue, the weather- perfect. After several months I made friends with a woman from Boston. One day we were talking about the incessant good weather. She had been there several years, and bemoaned the lack of rainy days, something she had grown up with. It did get a little relentless to hardly ever have a gray, overcast, moody kind of day.
Fast forward 3 years, and I felt parched. I missed GA, my friends and family, so I came back for a visit. When I stepped off the plane that night in May, my skin drank in the warm moisture in the air. I could feel myself filling back up, and a couple of months later I tied up loose ends and moved back here for good.
The purpose of this little story is: I have seen weather before like we are having now, and having it here in Blairsville freaks me out. Hot, dry, sunny weather belongs elsewhere, in the desert. Our mountainsides are full of trees parched and burned by drought. Their green leaves are our lifeline, creating the oxygen we require. Where are we going to get our oxygen if the trees are gone, or too parched to help us? We cut them down like we own them, and with no thought to our dependence on them, so we can plant lawns, or flatten more land to develop and sell.
Anyone who doesn’t believe in the reality of climate change by now is either listening to Rush or hasn’t gone outside much, or both. I got a letter from our esteemed representative Saxby Chambliss the other day. He’s not too sold on global warming, either. He supports “voluntary reductions in greenhouse gases” (like that’s ever worked) and the “implementation of a national technology-based emission reduction strategy.” Hmmm, that should take about 10 years in committee to talk through! He believes lots of other things with no teeth to them. If global warming is the fact that the majority of the world’s scientists (the ones not on the Exxon-Mobil handout program) believe it is, what is it going to take to get our current government to quit thinking about their oil profits and their kickbacks and do their job?
Last week I wrote about the FDA’s move to take over natural health products under the guise of protecting us from dangerous herbs. I just got an email we were successful, for this time! Now we have our government pandering to big business, especially oil, at the risk of endangering our planet. If you believe you’ll soon be leaving this earthly plane, maybe this is good news to you. Or if you plan to go to that new planet with a possibility of water on it, that might work in a few years, too.
For me, I dream of staying right here on Planet Earth, with a few improvements. I prefer an enlightened government that actually takes care of its people instead of thinking up ways to profit from them. My government protects us from foods full of chemicals that can harm us. My government is full of truth tellers and wise people of vision. All people are treated with respect, whether they are rich or poor.
I envision art and music taught in schools again, organic farms and gardens, a healthy population eating beautiful natural food, pure air to breathe and pure water to drink. In my world, we are healthy, calm, loving and supportive of one another. We honor the precious gift of this Earth and take care of what we have.
If you have a similar dream, we can make it a reality, but it’s going to take every single one of us.
How do we do it? The old saying “Peace begins with me,” is a good start. Take care of yourself. Recycle. (We take our glass and plastics 3-7 to Jasper!) Eat well. Buy organic food at the local farmer’s markets. Drink good water. Drive sanely. Please don’t tailgate, ever, and please do use your blinkers so the rest of us know what you’ve got planned. Be considerate. Smile. Get massages (yay!) to feel good and stay in touch with yourself. Put down your cell phone whenever possible, and turn off your TV. Get out in Nature, walk, sit under a tree for an hour and see what happens. Be grateful for all we have been given, and do everything you know to protect it for our children’s children’s children.